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  • Japanese Sentence of the Day - 2023-09-19

Japanese Sentence of the Day - 2023-09-19

Study Japanese with「何もしないわよ。」your Japanese sentence of the day.

🌟Your Sentence of the Day🌟

🎬From: Haven't You Heard I'm Sakamoto


Greetings, we have exciting news today!🎵 

We've now introduced music sources over at bunshou.com🥳! Today's intermediate sentence comes from a track by a legendary Japanese singer. Dive in and feel the rhythm of the language!

Sentence comment: It's all about the vibe in Japanese! Did you notice how our sentence today combines assertiveness with a touch of politeness? Think of it as someone striking a pose and saying, "Hey! Trust me on this one, alright?" Keeping up with your lessons might just help you strike a balance between being direct and cordial in conversations. Let's master this dance together! 💃🕺✨

Up for a challenge?

Test your Japanese skills with those more advanced sentences:

  • 思い通りにいかないだって - Utada Hikaru - Flavor Of Life

  • エヴァシリーズATフィールド共鳴!- End of Evangelion Renewal

🔍 For an in-depth analysis of these sentences, including quizzes to check your understanding, head over to bunshou.com. You can also log in to track your progress!

Today’s sources are: End of Evangelion Renewal, Haven't You Heard I'm Sakamoto, and Utada Hikaru’s Flavor Of Life.

That's it for today! Wishing you an enjoyable and productive journey in mastering the Japanese language. 🌟 Finally, know that your thoughts are highly valued. Feel free to share your feedback on X to help shape the future content of bunshou. Thank you for reading, and enjoy studying today's sentences!

If you need a refresher of what we have to propose:

  • Language Insights: Explore sentence elements for word meanings, grammar, usage examples, etc.

  • Native Pronunciation: Hear original Japanese for accurate speaking.

  • Discover the Source: Trace sentences to their origins, add context to your learning, and learn from your favourite media.

  • Tailored Content: Material for all levels, from simple vocabulary to complex dialogues.

  • Check Understanding: Interactive questions with instant feedback for effective practice.

  • New: Pitch accent when known (for you very dedicated learners) and Track quiz progress by logging in. Better stats page coming soon…!

Our mission is turning every sentence into a deep learning opportunity, enhancing vocabulary, grammar, and appreciation for Japanese culture and language.

Happy learning!