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  • Japanese Sentence of the Day 2023-10-05

Japanese Sentence of the Day 2023-10-05

Study Japanese with「もうすべて無駄なの。」your Japanese sentence of the day.

🌟Your Sentence of the Day🌟

📺From: Death Parade


Comment from Carlo Wised: Ah, Japanese, where a handful of words can paint an entire emotional landscape… This sentence? A veritable Van Gogh of despair. But remember, my lovely linguists, while certain phrases evoke the futility of watering a plastic plant, your pursuit of the Japanese language is anything but futile. Every word, every phrase you learn is a step closer to understanding a whole new world. So, despair not, and carry on!

Up for a challenge?

Test your Japanese skills with those more advanced sentences:

  • わざと彼氏ぶつかってきた思ってるんだ- Suicide Club

  • このには一末不安あってはならないのでためですよ- Dragon Ball Super - BROLY

🔍 For an in-depth analysis of these sentences, including quizzes to check your understanding, head over to bunshou.com. You can also log in to track your progress!

Today’s sources are: Death Parade, Suicide Club, and Dragon Ball Super - BROLY.

That's it for today! Wishing you an enjoyable and productive journey in mastering the Japanese language. 🌟 Finally, know that your thoughts are highly valued. Feel free to share your feedback on X to help shape the future content of bunshou. Thank you for reading, and enjoy studying today's sentences!

If you need a refresher of what we have to propose:

  • Language Insights: Explore sentence elements for word meanings, grammar, usage examples, etc.

  • Native Pronunciation: Hear original Japanese for accurate speaking.

  • Discover the Source: Trace sentences to their origins, add context to your learning, and learn from your favourite media.

  • Tailored Content: Material for all levels, from simple vocabulary to complex dialogues.

  • Check Understanding: Interactive questions with instant feedback for effective practice.

  • New: Sentences from popular songs.

Our mission is turning every sentence into a deep learning opportunity, enhancing vocabulary, grammar, and appreciation for Japanese culture and language.

Happy learning4