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  • Japanese Sentence of the Day 2023-10-16

Japanese Sentence of the Day 2023-10-16

Study Japanese with「ここから出られるかもしれない!」your Japanese sentence of the day.

🌟Your Sentence of the Day🌟

From: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood📺


Comment from Nyūto Tanaka: This sentence is like a Swiss Army knife of Japanese grammar. It packs in the potential form "出られる" and the all-important "かもしれない" to express a dash of uncertainty. Imagine being in a maze, either literally or metaphorically; knowing how to articulate hope and uncertainty could be a real lifesaver. So, keep at your studies; you never know when a sentence like this will come to your rescue!

Up for a challenge?

Test your Japanese skills with those more advanced sentences:

  • うち全寮生から冬休みでも生徒結構います- Kara no Kyoukai 📺

  • 各艦連動!主砲自動追尾装置セット完了!- Gunbuster📺

🔍 For an in-depth analysis of these sentences, including quizzes to check your understanding, head over to bunshou.com. You can also log in to track your progress!

That's it for today! Wishing you an enjoyable and productive journey in mastering the Japanese language. 🌟 Finally, know that your thoughts are highly valued. Feel free to share your feedback on X to help shape the future content of bunshou. Thank you for reading, and enjoy studying today's sentences!

If you need a refresher of what we have to propose:

  • Language Insights: Explore sentence elements for word meanings, grammar, usage examples, etc.

  • Native Pronunciation: Hear original Japanese for accurate speaking.

  • Discover the Source: Trace sentences to their origins, add context to your learning, and learn from your favourite media.

  • Tailored Content: Material for all levels, from simple vocabulary to complex dialogues.

  • Check Understanding: Interactive questions with instant feedback for effective practice.

  • New: Sentences from popular songs.

Our mission is turning every sentence into a deep learning opportunity, enhancing vocabulary, grammar, and appreciation for Japanese culture and language.

Happy learning4